May 24, 2023 6:07:00 PM
With Coinshift’s Portfolio History, Safe users can get accurate and auditable historical token balances for their treasury in seconds!
Portfolio History is a major new addition to treasury reporting within Coinshift. Users can now view historical token balances for their entire treasury over the past 12 months! Key features include:
Simply add each Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) from your treasury into Coinshift. We currently support seven chains. You can then view consolidated token balances over time for your entire organisation. You can filter historical balances based on multiple criteria, including account (Safe), chain, token, etc. You can also see historical balances by asset type: stablecoins, ETH and BTC (and derivatives, combined into one category), and "Others" (all other tokens). And Coinshift supports csv export of this data.
With Portfolio History, teams can easily monitor asset mix for their entire treasury. Want to keep a minimum of 60% of the treasury in stablecoins? Or hold a maximum of 10% in ETH and wBTC? Coinshift makes it easier to set asset targets and track progress, even when assets are divided among many different Safes and on different chains!
“Managing multiple wallets and keeping track of balances was like juggling multiple balls in the air. It was a tedious and time-consuming task that often felt like a big pain in the neck when it came to accounting.”
— Hana, Perpetual Protocol
Calculating historical token balances is a tedious and error-prone process for many Safe users. Consolidating historical data for monthly reports typically involves multiple steps:
And this process must be repeated for each Safe! With Coinshift, users can get their historical token balances in a few clicks across all of their Safes, within seconds.
With Coinshift’s Portfolio History, financial teams spend significantly less time manually calculating historical balances for month end reports or account reconciliation. Treasury managers get insights into the health of the organisation over time. And when this data is shared with the community, the wider ecosystem benefits from greater financial transparency.
“Thanks to Coinshift’s Portfolio History feature, what used to be a daunting and time-consuming task is now a breeze. We can now effortlessly keep track of all our wallets’ balances and generate accurate accounting reports in no time, saving us a significant amount of time and hassle.”
— Hana, Perpetual Protocol
As decentralised organisations grow, complexity increases. With increased complexity, the need for accurate and auditable data grows. Coinshift ensures accurate data by automating the consolidation of on-chain token balances and off-chain price data. And we help maintain auditability by including the following:
Coinshift’s Portfolio History provides accurate and auditable historical token balances for on-chain treasuries, currently going back 12 months. With Portfolio History, crypto organisations have a greater understanding of historical trends, and can better monitor the overall health of their treasuries. Financial teams save time preparing historical reports. And communities have greater transparency of how their treasury is changing over time.
If you would like access to Coinshift to see how Portfolio History can benefit your organisation,
please fill out the form below:
Please see our User Guide for more details on how to use Portfolio History within Coinshift.